Categories: general

Divorce is more difficult in the digital age!

The Dhaka Times Desk Various social networking sites have become a part of life. Through this, the whole world is now at hand. Millions of young people around the world are looking for a life partner through social networking sites. Again after breakup and these social networking sites multiply the suffering of the separated people. American researchers have said that in the digital age, people suffer more when a relationship breaks up or gets divorced.

When a relationship breaks up, you try to lighten up by burning letters, tearing pictures or crying in private, but it is not possible to easily remove the memories left by social networking websites like Facebook. Many memories of broken relationships remain on social networking websites in the form of pictures, messages or notes, which continue to haunt the mind. It is not possible to remove it from online easily. In many cases it is easy to delete e-mails or digital photos, but it is not easy to delete songs, pictures or messages posted by someone else. When such things are combined with many memories, many people are seen to be broken.

Researchers, however, have suggested the use of data aggregation software as a solution to such problems. One such software is Pandora's Box. The software can consolidate all past digital data and facilitate its deletion.

According to a report published in the Telegraph Online, researchers at the University of California Santa Cruz recently conducted a study on 24 individuals between the ages of 19 and 34. Researchers have examined the emotional state of people after a breakup, and found that in the digital age, heartbreak is much more difficult to recover from.

Source: Prothom-alo.

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This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৩, ২০১৪ 7:57 pm


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