The Dhaka Times Desk The wealthy want to surprise their guests by bringing Bollywood stars to their events. Bollywood stars are called as invited guests or for stage performances. However, this desire or wish is not fulfilled by everyone or not everyone can afford it. Because Bollywood stars take huge amount of money to be invited to these events. Many of the stars avoid these invitations for various reasons. But recently, Shahrukh Khan participated in a wedding ceremony in Dubai and took 8 crore rupees in just 30 minutes.
Rashid Saeed organizes most of Shahrukh's events in Dubai. He said, 'I am friends with the bride's family members. Shahrukh agreed to appear at the wedding and participate in the stage performance after receiving the invitation from the bride's parents.
According to a source close to Shah Rukh, Shah Rukh used to charge Rs 4 crore for stage performance at a wedding ceremony two years ago. And if he attended such an event, he would get one crore rupees. Actually, the amount of remuneration is not a big deal, getting him in such events is the most difficult thing. It is really difficult for him to find time for these events due to his busy schedule.
Shah Rukh was offered to participate in about 250 such events last year. Out of them, he was able to appear in only 10 events. The 47-year-old 'Ra One' star will not be able to attend more than six events this year.
Two of the most influential actors of Bollywood, Aamir Khan and Saif Ali Khan, do not support the participation of stars in such events. Salman Khan has been asked to refrain from dancing due to trigeminal neuralgia.
In such a situation, Shah Rukh got a chance to score a goal in an empty field. The star actor is bidding as much as he wants to participate in the wedding ceremony. The organizers of the event are also paying according to his demand. Recently, he received around eight crore rupees for stage performance at a wedding ceremony organized at Madinat Jameirah Hotel in Dubai.
Source: Mumbai Mirror and Prothom-alo.
This post was last modified on মে ১৩, ২০১৩ 1:01 pm
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