Categories: international news

'UK and US war against Iraq was illegal'!

The Dhaka Times Desk UK Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott claimed that the UK violated international law by occupying Iraq in 2003.

He also commented that the war waged by the United Kingdom and the United States against Iraq was also illegal.

John Prescott made such a comment last Sunday based on an investigation report recently published by the UK government criticizing the decision to occupy Iraq. After 7 years of investigation on the Iraq war, the investigation report named 'Chilcot Report' was published last Wednesday.

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The report investigated former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's decision, planning and conduct of the Iraq war. The report heavily criticized Blair for his decision to invade Iraq, but said nothing about whether the war was actually legal.

It also said that eight months before the Iraq invasion, Blair told then US President George W. Bush, 'I'm with you no matter what.'

John Prescott described the decision as 'devastating'. In that article Mr. Prescott says he has changed his view on the legitimacy of the Iraq war.

Mr. Prescott also writes, 'In 2004, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said that power transfer was illegitimate because it was the main goal of the Iraq war. With much sadness and anger I now believe he was right.'

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This post was last modified on জুলাই ১৫, ২০১৬ 2:27 pm

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