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The human body refreshes itself every 7 years! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We are more familiar with the term refresh. Because we are used to refresh the computer laptop. But this time it was heard that the human body is also refreshed!

human body

A scientist named Lulu Miller said that the human body refreshes itself every 7 years!

Surely you are very aware of your body? Or vice versa. That is, completely indifferent. Whatever you are, watching this video will change the way you think about your own body.

The human body is mysterious. No matter how hard you try to think about it, even in sleep your body is changing without your knowledge.

Scientists say that the human body 'refreshes' itself once every 7 years. Generally, we do many things to refresh our body. Sometimes walking, sometimes yoga, sometimes gym. But you have nothing to worry about. Even if you don't think about it, your body will refresh itself as needed.

Lulu Miller said at the Adam Cole event, how our body, hair, nails, cells, everything changes (refreshes) itself over time.

How our body refreshes every 7 years, see for yourself in the video.

Watch the video
