The Dhaka Times
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What the 'real' Priyanka said about the 'duplicate' Priyanka!

The Dhaka Times Desk For the last few days, the net world has been buzzing about the 'duplicate' Priyanka. Looks exactly like actress Priyanka Chopra. Now the 'real' Priyanka opened her mouth. What did he say?

Duplicate Priyanka & real Priyanka

For the past few days, there is no end to the curiosity of the internet residents about the 'duplicate' Priyanka. And so everyone is saying that she is Priyanka's younger sister!

When 21-year-old Navpreet Bange ('duplicate' Priyanka) is on the Internet, the 'real' Priyanka opened up about her 'look alike' on Twitter.

The 'real' Priyanka tweet explained that the people of the internet were not wrong! In a tweet, Priyanka said that she had shown fitness blogger Navpreet's picture to her mother too. Like everyone else, his mother was almost going insane.

It should be noted that this issue was really going on in the net world for the last few days. Fitness blogger Navpreet Bange, 21, looks exactly like Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra. A similar news was also published in The Dhaka Times.

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