The Dhaka Times
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Mahi's wedding ceremony tomorrow 20 July!

The Dhaka Times Desk Actress Mahia Mahi got married on May 25. However, he regretted that he could not perform the wedding ceremony in a grand manner. So there is going to be another wedding ceremony.

again Mahi wedding ceremony

Dhallywood actress Mahiya Mahi. Gai Tural and wedding ceremonies were arranged in a domestic environment. So there was anger among the relatives. Mahiya Mahi, the popular actress of Bangladeshi films, is going to organize a wedding ceremony again to settle that anger.

again Mahi wedding ceremony-2

He promised before. To keep that promise, their marriage ceremony will be completed on the night of July 20. Mahi's wedding invitations have already reached friends and relatives.

Groom Parvez Mahmood Apu and Bride Sharmin Akhtar Nipa alias Mahia Mahi. On the occasion of their wedding, they have been invited to a huge convention center in Dhaka on Wednesday night, July 20.

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