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Facebook is rolling out offline video viewing

The Dhaka Times Desk This time Facebook is probably going to leave YouTube behind. Their strength is going to be the biggest social platform in the world.

video viewing offline

According to a report of 'Reports', Facebook has been experimenting with offline videos for a long time. That is, the favorite video can be downloaded and watched later.

Reports said that this service will be launched in India from July 11. Everyone will start getting this benefit gradually.

Facebook said in a statement, this option will be launched on a very small scale from July 11, 2016. You can download Facebook videos in it. But for this, of course, you need high-speed internet.

However, any video given on the page cannot be downloaded at will. Only selected videos will be downloaded. To do this, go to the 'Settings' tab of the page. Then select the 'Prohibit downloading to Facebook in the content distribution row' option. Hindustan Times reported this.

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