Categories: entertainment

Finally, Ferdous opened up about the film about militant Nibras

The Dhaka Times Desk After the Gulshan attack, a picture of hero Ferdous with the attacker Nirbas was printed in the media. Hero Ferdous finally opened up about that.

Militant nibras & FirdousMilitant nibras & Firdous

A terrible terrorist attack took place on the night of July 1. 20 local and foreign people were killed and two policemen were martyred in the Holi Artisan restaurant in Gulshan.

This terrible attack ended the next morning (July 2) in the operation of the joint forces. 6 attackers were killed in that operation. The most talked about militant among them is Nibras Islam, a student of NorthSouth. A picture of actor Ferdous with this thug has recently gone viral online. The hero Ferdous is in an embarrassing situation. Many people are also asking him to know about Nibras by phone, message and mail.

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Finally, hero Ferdous opened up about the matter. Currently, he wrote on Facebook about the film with Nibras. He wrote, 'I could no longer remain silent. A picture of me along with a few others was seen with a militant named Nibaras Islam. I don't understand whether the picture is a photo shoot or real. I don't even remember when I took this picture. Anyway, now that I'm talking, I have thousands of people asking me to take a selfie. So how can I understand which one is a terrorist and which one is a good person among thousands of people? They are no longer written on their backs that they are terrorists. I heard that Shraddha Kapoor also has a video with her. Now you keep asking Shraddha Kapoor for that too….'

This post was last modified on July 17, 2016 11:36 pm

Staff reporter

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