The Dhaka Times
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Do you want a job? Basan Maja's salary is 13 lakhs!

The Dhaka Times Desk Do you need a job? Annual salary will be 13 lakh rupees. But you have to wash the dishes!

B Palace

According to media reports, Rani is looking for people to marry. This guy is wanted to wash the dishes at Buckingham Palace itself. That's why the advertisement has been given. The amount of money is not too low. About the palace! It is normal that it will happen in thick mine. Buckingham Palace bid 17,000 euros. Which is about 13 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka!

17000 Euros i.e. about 13 lakhs in Bangladeshi currency will be paid annually i.e. for one year. Food and living resources are available, because work has to be done from that palace. There are 33 holidays in a year. Another pension will also be given on termination of employment. But there is also a condition. And that is, in addition to washing the dishes, you have to help a little in cooking. Rajbari's website has also been advertised!

No prior experience is also required for this job. The job holder will be responsible for cleaning all utensils. He will also get the opportunity to travel to different parts of the country. The Queen herself appoints to this post. Rani herself appoints a total of 6 posts. This is one of them.

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