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Batteries made of vitamins will light up, the car will run!

The Dhaka Times Desk Think once, the vitamins that doctors give us to eat, the vitamin will run the battery! With that battery will light up again! The car will run!

battery light turns on vitamins, car run

According to media reports, the high-capacity battery will not be flammable and toxic at all. That battery will literally be an 'Akshay Kumar'! Which will not decay. Because the cost of making that vitamin battery is low, its price will also be low. Will be available again.

So far, only vitamin B-2 has been shown to have the amazing ability to conduct electricity, but also to store the generated electricity, the researchers said. The sensational paper was published in early July in the journal Nature-Energy.

In the paper, postdoctoral fellow in chemistry at Harvard University Kaixiang Lin wrote, 'Previously, such a startling religion was observed between a biomolecule 'quinone' and a food-additive or 'ferrocyanide'. But the power we have seen in vitamin B-2 is, in a word, unprecedented. It is capable of synthesizing electricity very easily. It can save. Can carry large amounts of electricity. Vitamin B-2 can be made very cheaply and easily. Due to which its production will become profitable commercially.

Co-researcher Ushsi Mukhopadhyay, assistant professor of chemistry at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, says, 'Making vitamins is very easy. In particular, vitamin B-2 can be made very cheaply and easily. Therefore, there will be no difficulty in the commercial production of vitamin B-2 for battery electrolytes. The cost of those batteries will also be very low due to low production costs.'

Ushsi also said, 'The results of our research show that the types of electricity that are temporary, such as solar and wind, will be more helpful than 'quinone' or 'ferrocyanide' in storing that electricity for a much longer period of time. This is vitamin B-2.

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