Attractive discounts on Samsung mobiles!

The Dhaka Times Desk Samsung Mobile has brought attractive discounts in Bangladesh. Customers can save up to Tk 10,000 on their promotional price!

Samsung mobile attractive discountSamsung mobile attractive discount

Samsung Mobile Bangladesh has announced attractive promotional prices on Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016), J5 (2016), J3 handsets and completely new prices on Galaxy J7, J5, J2 and J1 Ace handsets.

Customers in the country can now save up to Tk 10,000 on promotional prices:

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The # Galaxy A5 (2016) handset is now available at Tk 29,900 (a saving of Tk 10,000).
The # Galaxy J5 (2016) handset will be available for Rs 18,900 (a saving of Rs 3,000).
The # Galaxy J3 handset will be available at Rs 13,990 (saving Rs 1,000).

Apart from this, Samsung also announced attractive new prices on 4 popular handset models:

# Galaxy J7 handset priced at Rs 17,900 (price reduced by Rs 2,000)
# Galaxy J5 is priced at Rs 15,490 (down Rs 510).
# Galaxy J2 is priced at Rs 10,490 (down Rs 1,000).
The # Galaxy J1 Ace handset is priced at Rs 8,490 (price reduced by Rs 500).

Samsung Bangladesh said that through such an affordable price offer, Bangladeshi customers are getting the opportunity to use the latest technology at a competitive price.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ২৭, ২০১৬ 10:42 pm

Staff reporter

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