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4 people infected with Zika in Florida, USA

The Dhaka Times Desk Although the issue of Zika virus has stopped for a while, its outbreak has appeared again. 4 people have been infected with the Zika virus in the state of Florida.

Florida 4 persons affected Zika

According to media reports, this may be the first case of Zika virus infection in Florida. The news agency AFP gave this news citing health officials.

After Latin America and the Caribbean, the Zika virus was found in the United States. It is because of travel and promiscuous sex in these areas that the disease spreads so rapidly. However, the 4 people who contracted the virus in Florida did not travel to those areas. The virus entered their bodies mainly from the mosquitoes of the United States.

The Florida Department of Health said four people have tested positive for the virus in a small area north of downtown Miami. More than 1650 people have been diagnosed with Zika in the United States so far. But this is likely the first Zika outbreak in Florida.

Note that if pregnant mothers are infected with the Zika virus, their newborns may be born with an immature brain.

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