Categories: international news

United Kingdom surprised to see 'Trump tree'!

The Dhaka Times Desk The United Kingdom is surprised to see a 'Trump tree' similar to his portrait of Donald Trump, the candidate of the Republican party in the upcoming US presidential election!

In the past there have been incidents of naming toilet paper, pastry, papad etc. This time, the residents of the Herefordshire area of the United Kingdom witnessed the 'Trump tree'. Last week, the country's photographer and journalist John Rowley took a photo of a tree resembling Trump's portrait and posted it on social media.

The response on the photographer's Facebook and Pinterest fell. Photographer John Rowley said he first saw the tree in Herefordshire National Park. In his words, 'I noticed the tree while driving past the park. The tree looks exactly like US presidential candidate Donald Trump. Then I take the picture and post it.'

John Rowley also said that the park is already decorated with portraits of famous people. The park has portraits of at least 21 other world-famous personalities, including American singer Elvis Presley. There are also trees as well as some other structures or portraits of people from different ethnic groups.

The Herefordshire National Park Authority told the Morning Herald of the United Kingdom that the particular tree was not made in the portrait or occasion of a particular person. Originally, the tree was made as a portrait of Indo-American people, but coincidentally it may have coincided with Trump!

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৪, ২০১৬ 7:34 pm

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