Categories: special news

Marjan was responsible for the Gulshan attack: DMP

The Dhaka Times Desk A person named Marjan was responsible for the attack on the Spanish restaurant Holy Artisan Bakery in Gulshan of the capital!

He worked with Hasnat Karim, Major Zia and Tahmid in the Gulshan attack. Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) Unit Chief Monirul Islam gave this information in response to questions from journalists at a press conference organized at the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) media center today (Friday).

DMP Additional Commissioner Monirul Islam also said that the five militants who died in the commando operation on the day of the attack, had come from Bashundhara's house. They walked in different directions and entered the Artisan Hotel one by one. Two others enter to assist them. They are Hasnat Karim and Tahmid.
Tamim and Zia were the masterminds of this attack. They lead the entire attack from outside. Marjan was in charge of that day's (Gulshan) attack in coordination with Tamim and Zia. This Marjan was mentioned by the police as the name of the organization. The police also released the picture of this Marjan.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১২, ২০১৬ 11:26 pm

Staff reporter

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