The Dhaka Times
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Actor Shakeel met Aruna

The Dhaka Times Desk The audience of Bangladesh almost forgot about hero Shakeel. Another popular actress Aruna Biswas presented her on screen.

actor Shakeel and Aruna

The one-time superhit actor Shakeel Khan has starred in numerous super hit films. But in the past years, he is no longer seen on screen. He was not even seen in any Eid Parben television program. In such a situation, another popular actress Aruna Biswas presented this popular hero on the screen. Actor Shakeel Khan appeared in this program after a long time. Presented by Aruna Biswas, BTV's 'Taarka Kahini' airs twice a month.

actor Shakeel and Aruna-2

Aruna Biswas said, 'Popular faces of films have appeared in the event before. Actor Shakeel Khan came in his continuation. Through this program, the audience will know the story of his coming to acting and why he is not among the audience. Also talk a lot about the current situation of the film with me.'

An online gave this information taken from Aruna Biswas's Facebook.

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