The Dhaka Times Desk There is no doubt that US President Barack Obama is the most powerful man in the world. That powerful person can be sent a message on Facebook Messenger!
Until recently, US President Barack Obama could be contacted by handwritten letters, emails or tweets on Twitter. From now on, you can communicate with the world's most powerful man through Facebook Messenger!
Social media giant Facebook has launched a new chat bot on its messaging platform for the White House, according to media reports. In addition to the United States, people from any country in the world can send messages to Barack Obama. This announcement was made from the White House on Wednesday.
White House chief digital officer Jason Goldman said in an online post that Obama reads 10 handwritten or emailed letters a day. Now Facebook messages are also going to be a part of it.
You can contact Obama by going to the White House's Facebook page and hitting the message icon in the same way as sending messages to friends.
As mentioned, after a messenger box pops up the user has to click on 'Let's Go!' A message will then ask - 'Great! Now, what do you want to say to President Obama?'
The messenger bot will then ask for a US address asking the user to check his message. If the user is not located in the United States, the White House bot will accept the user's e-mail address.
In this way, you can now send messages to the world's most powerful head of state through Facebook Messenger!
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১৩, ২০১৬ 5:56 pm
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