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Prabha about ex-husbands in the media uproar!

The Dhaka Times Desk Actress Sadia Jahan Prabha has always been a topic of news in the media. This time, her husband's statement in the media uproar!


About the year 2010. On April 16th of that year, the popular model actress Sadia Jahan Pravar got engaged to her long-time boyfriend Rajeev. Although engaged, they did not get married. About that, Bhata fell for a new love story with TV actor Apurba. In the end, leaving the ring given by Rajeev, Prabha ran away with Apoorba and sat on the wedding steps.

A few days after Apurba's marriage with Prabha, Rajeev became angry. What happened after that is not known to anyone. Apoor's intimate moments with her boyfriend Rajeev before becoming a housewife were leaked on YouTube. A 27-minute video clip was instantly delivered by Rajeev. A huge debate started in the country and abroad. That controversy has a negative impact on TV actors.


However, later that video was deleted from YouTube. Due to this, the new family arranged by Prabha-apurba came to an end. They separated on February 11, 2011. Basically Apoorba divorces Prabha. After that, Prabha was missing for three consecutive years. Stay away from the media spotlight.

Prabha got married for the second time on December 19, 2011. Sadia Jahan Prabha started a new life with an official of a corporate company named Mahmud Shanto. After staying away from the media for three consecutive years, he returned to drama in 2014. Prabha started her journey as a fellow traveler of the media by erasing all the gloom of the past.

Even after marrying Shanto, the family has been in trouble for a long time. It has been heard for more than a year that Prabha is not living with Shanta. They got divorced in the middle of 2015.

Close sources confirmed to the media, Shantan was upset with Prabha's erratic behavior. Prabha used to spend most of the night outside in the name of shooting. Many times quarreled between the two about these issues. However, due to not coming to an agreement, there was a separation at one stage. Now it is heard that he is getting close with another person.

Currently, Prabha is regularly acting in several dramas including serial dramas. But the criticism is not leaving behind. Everyone thinks that maybe Prabha is going to get involved in a new relationship again. What is it really?

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