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The full-length Bengali film 'Baba' was made in Canada.

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes famous directors produce a film or two. Which are also established as famous films. Now the full-length Bengali film 'Baba' has been made in Canada.

Canada is built Bengali feature film Father

At the very end of the 20th century, the discovery of film brought a radical change in the world of thought and entertainment. Film has become an art medium where people see their world in front of their eyes in a very realistic way. Many stories of real life do not come up in the film. It is thought that watching the full-length Bengali film 'Baba', made in Canada, will remind you again and again about this immense power of film.

A country of immigrants, Canada is home to ethnic groups from different parts of the world. There is no doubt that the place of Bengalis has reached a special level among these ethnic groups.

In this immigrant Canada, almost all ethnic groups are often in deep cultural and value conflicts. Which again creates a situation of deep tension between predecessors and successors.

Rafi Khan Imran, who has lived in Toronto for decades, is particularly moved by a crisis in immigrant life. Maybe that's why he made his first full-length Bengali story film 'Baba'. This film 'Baba' is basically based on the story of two families. A father, a retired professor, has spent his entire life thinking about the beauty and well-being of people. The idea of a beautiful civilization constantly flows in the mind of this idealistic soft hearted man. A thought that includes the absolute love and affection of man for man, strong values of personal and family life and an ideal social order.

The father of a son and a daughter has always wanted his children to grow up with true values, to become human beings with human qualities. But the honest man wants to spend his days indulging in such dreams and expectations. Once a deep crisis came in his family life. The crisis was triggered by the waywardness of his only son.

His son, Shovan, is the son of Canada's new generation, adopting his father's ideals in Canada's glamorous life, refusing to be left behind in wealth and prestige. The story of 'Baba' is based on such a story format.

The shooting of the film 'Baba' has been going on for three years. The film was shot outdoors in downtown Toronto, various parks and Niagara Falls.

The screenplay of the film 'Baba' is produced by Sirajul Quader who plays the role of Baba and directed by Rafi Khan Imran. The film's dialogues are written by actor Sirajul Quader.

The film 'Baba' is Rafi Khan Imran's first film. By testing the skill and patience he showed in making his first film, we can hope that he will make more beautiful films in the future that will confront the extreme truth of Canadian immigrant life.

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