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Call for more Syrian children to go to school

The Dhaka Times Desk The international human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called on Jordan to facilitate the access of thousands of Syrian refugee children to school.

Syria children

A new academic year will begin in September in Syria. According to HRW, more than 80,000 Syrian children are staying in Jordan to attend school. They had no formal education last year.

A 97-page report entitled 'We fear for their future' states that various obstacles prevent Syrian children from going to school.

The agency's report also states that Syrians living outside recognized refugee camps are not given 'service cards'. Due to the lack of this card, many people are not able to get admission in government schools.

According to HRW, thousands of Syrians are denied service cards because they lack the required documents or fail to meet the criteria. In addition, Jordanian law prohibits admission to school if there is a study gap of three or more days. Because of that, many people are not able to enroll in school.

According to this human rights organization, poverty is the main reason why Syrian children drop out of school. Some families manage to cover transportation costs somehow. Again, many children are forced to work in the informal sector. Jordan says there are at least 1.4 million refugees in its country. Of these, 630,000 are registered with the United Nations.

However, HRW praised Jordan for allowing Syrian children to attend public schools. Jordan opens schools in refugee camps. They even introduced 'double shifts' to pull Syrian children to school.

226,000 school-going Syrian children registered with the United Nations refugee agency are staying in Jordan. More than a third of these children received no formal education last year, according to HRW.

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