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All the exciting stories surround the temple doors of Kerala!

The Dhaka Times Desk Devotees come to the temple to pay their respects. Crowds of Hindu devotees are seen in every temple. There are many exciting stories surrounding the temple doors in Kerala!

Padmanabha Temple-01

The Sri Anantapadmanabhaswamy Temple in Thiruananthapuram, Kerala has a long history. The city is named after the presiding deity of this temple.

There is no screw, lock or anything to open the door number 7 of this temple. Legend has it that the door of this chamber is covered with 'Nagabandhanam'. But the fact is that this popular temple in the heart of the busy city has a secret that cannot be ignored under any circumstances.

The presiding deity of this temple is Anantashayi Vishnu. The temple is maintained by a trust made up of members of the royal family of Trivandrum.
A large number of pilgrims visit this temple every day. So this Sri Anantapadmanabhaswamy temple cannot be called a 'secret' place.

However, a few years ago the Sri Anantapadmanabhaswamy temple made headlines for a mystery. 6 chambers were found inside this temple by searching on the orders of the Supreme Court of India. A huge amount of gold was recovered from each of them. All in all, several lakhs of crores of gold and other valuables are available there.

However, this is not an exceptional case for any of the popular temples in India. The story of the temple wealth accumulated over the ages is known to almost everyone.

However, the main secret of this Sri Anantapadmanabhaswamy temple is not in these 6 chambers, as much as the mystery surrounds the chamber number 7. Despite several attempts, it has not been possible to open the chamber number 7. Two snake symbols are painted on the door of this chamber. There is no screw, lock or anything else, with which it can be opened. Legend has it that the door of this chamber is covered with 'Nagabandhanam'.

Legend has it that during the reign of King Martandavarma in the 16th century, some Siddha Purusha closed this chamber with this action. To open this door, the antidote of 'Nag' mantra 'Garuda Mantra' is required. However, this mantra should not only be known, but also the manner of pronouncing it! You have to know the real tone of that mantra. In fact, it is not possible to open this door as soon as the sound disappears. If you listen to the closed door, you can hear the sound of running water inside. According to some, snakes can even be heard hissing inside the chamber.

Many say that the key to the mystery of creation is kept in this room. According to some, there may be a secret document of Indian astrology.

But this mystery still remains a mystery to everyone. Will the tangle of this mystery be revealed or will it remain a mystery? This question seems to be spinning in everyone's mind constantly.

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