Categories: international news

See where a little carelessness can lead people! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Driving at high speed or recklessly should not be done at all. At least you can learn by watching this video today.

What can be the consequences of driving at high speed or racing with cars or not following the rules? Today's video is proof of that. It is impossible for many to bear seeing this horrific footage of the accident.

ঘটনাস্থল রাশিয়া। ফাঁকা রাস্তায় ঝড়ের বেগে ছুটছিল গাড়িগুলো। একে অন্যকে কাটিয়ে যাওয়ার এক ‘দুঃসাহসিক’ প্রতিযোগিতা চলছিল। আর তার শেষ পরিণতি কী হলো তা ভিডিও দেখলেই পরিষ্কার হয়ে যাবে।

Because at that time a truck was coming fast from the opposite direction. Seeing that, overtaking is attempted. While coming out between the two cars, the car broke into pieces in the collision. Then the bodies fell in the air like torn toy dolls. The rear windshield also splashed! A strange scene. The only reason to see such a grotesque scene is that the car should never be raced. Drive carefully and cautiously.

Watch that video

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২৬, ২০১৬ 8:14 pm

Staff reporter

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