Categories: entertainment

Poppy's new film 'Poush Masare Pirit' is releasing on 2nd September

The Dhaka Times Desk Actress Popi is returning to the theater screen after a long time. Poppy's new film 'Poush Masare Pirit' is releasing on 2nd September.

Poppy starrer 'Paush Masare Pirit' was awaited for release for a long time. But this time his film 'Paush Masare Pirit' directed by Nargis Akhter is going to see the light of day. The film will release on September 2.

The film 'Paush Masare Pirit' is based on the story 'Ras' by two Bengali famous novelist Narendranath Mitra. The music of the film is directed by Alauddin Ali. On the occasion of the film's release, a press conference was organized in a restaurant in the capital on the evening of August 24.

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Poppy said in this regard, my character's name is Maju Khatun. I worked on this film a long time ago. The film was shot at different locations in Jessore. It feels good to think that the film is finally releasing. Tony Dyce acted opposite me in this film. Hopefully the audience will see a good film even if it is late.

Ahmed Rubel, Taru Mostafa, Priyanka, Aditya Alam and others acted in the film 'Paush Masare Pirit'.

Sabina Yasmin, Rafiqul Alam, Mumtaz and Monir Khan have given voice to various songs of the film. Mohammad Rafiquzzaman composed the story, dialogues and lyrics. Kalamatar in art direction. Cinematography directed by Mahfuzur Rahman Khan. The film is produced by Femcom Bangladesh.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২৬, ২০১৬ 10:25 pm

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