The Dhaka Times
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Breaking news: Mir Kasem Ali likely to be hanged today

The Dhaka Times Desk The process of execution of Jamaat leader Mir Qasem Ali has started. There is a possibility of hanging today.

Mir Qasim Ali today possibility of death penalty

Jail sources told the news media today (Saturday) afternoon that the hanging will be executed at Kashimpur Central Jail-2 in Gazipur.

Along with the police, a large number of RAB members are lining up at the prison gate. A fire service vehicle entered the prison around 4 pm. A police water cannon was placed inside the jail the night before.

On the other hand, the police have closed all the shops adjacent to the RP check post of the jail. An eager crowd is thronging the Kara gate. A large number of journalists from different media are also present there.

45 relatives including his family members reached Kasimpur in 6 microbuses at 3:30 pm after receiving the call of the jail authorities to meet Shura member Mir Qasem Ali in the Majlis of Jamaat for the last time.

Among them, 38 people, including Mir Kasem's wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, were allowed to enter. The date of execution has not yet been announced.

Additional Inspector General of Prisons Colonel Iqbal Karim entered Kashimpur Jail at 1.40 pm.

Jail authorities have sent letters informing the local Deputy Commissioner, Superintendent of Police and Civil Surgeon of the execution action as per Jail Rules. The same letter was also sent to Mir Kasem's village house.

Prison sources said the letters were sent in red envelopes at 11am today (Saturday) through special prison couriers.

Jail sources also said that the hanging trial of Mir Kasem Ali was held in the jail on Friday. The executioner Shah Jahan and Raju took part in it. The shroud is drawn just above the gallows.

It is to be noted that after the Appellate Division rejected the review application last Tuesday, the copy of the judgment was sent to the War Crimes Tribunal. His warrant was issued on the same day. The death warrant wrapped in red cloth reached Kashimpur Jail at quarter past one through Dhaka Central Jail.

On Friday afternoon, the jail authorities started preparing for the execution of Mir Kasem Ali if he told the President that he would not beg for his life.

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