Facebook is bringing more emotional emoticons!

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook's messaging feature helps members of the site easily communicate with friends and others. And emoticons make them more alive. Emoticons are a fun and quick way to express emotions. More emotional emoticons are coming to Facebook this time.

Today, Facebook is a common name for those of us who are somewhat familiar with computer technology. But whenever it comes to expression, emoticons are the most important because no one can disagree that these 'emoticons' help in expressing the right expression.

Like everyone, social networking site Facebook also has several emoticons. Although initially there was not much fuss about it on Facebook, but now Facebook is bringing various types of emotional emoticons, said a Facebook engineer. Very badass. But the interesting thing here is that even though emoticons are a means of expressing immediate feelings or responding to behavior, Facebook is not making fun of it. Instead, Bazar appointed To Dacher Kaltner who is a psychologist and has been working on emoticons and social reactions at UC Berkeley. However, Kaltner was not taken to Facebook only for research, but to make Facebook easier and more popular with people by adding more emotive emoticons to Facebook.

But this is only the beginning. Not just to look beautiful or shiny, all the wonderful emoticons of Facebook will be created using science. As a result, revelations will be of inspiring character and science will be successful. Human life will become easier and more beautiful.

According to Baezer, when you talk to someone face-to-face, you see the face of the person in front of you, their expression. But since Facebook is popular till now as the universal medium of the internet for communicating with people at a distance and many people think that when communicating on it, how nice it would be if we had some scientific emoticons that could express our emotional state at that moment.

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Bezar, however, is very enthusiastic about his idea. Because today's emoticons can only express good or bad feelings, but difficult expressions? No, it is not possible yet. But Facebook will bring such emoticons which will not reveal people but will impress them.

Reference: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on মে ১৫, ২০১৩ 1:23 am

Mahmudur Rahman

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