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A Hindu girl teaching the Holy Quran in India!

The Dhaka Times Desk He is teaching the Holy Qur'an while sitting in the temple premises. The surprising thing is that the person giving this lesson is a Hindu!

Muslim kids quran

According to the Times of India, this amazing scene will be seen if you go to Sanjay Nagar Colony in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. Every evening there, an 18-year-old girl named Pooja Kushwaha is teaching the Holy Quran to 35 Muslim children! This Quran reading program is held in a local temple premises.

Pooja Kushwaha told the media that several years ago, a Muslim woman named Sangeeta Begum used to teach Quran to children in the area. He first developed an interest in learning the Qur'an while reading from him. After that Pooja gradually started learning Quran from Sangeeta Begum. Pooja quickly mastered the recitation of the Qur'an due to clear pronunciation and good linguistic knowledge.

After that, Sangeeta Begum quit teaching Quran to children due to personal reasons. But he gave this responsibility to his devoted student Pooja.

Quran teaching started from that time. Since then, like Sangeeta Begum, she has been teaching Quran reading to the children of Pooja area with great responsibility and devotion. However, Pooja does not charge any child for teaching.

Despite being a son of a Hindu family, the guardians of the local Muslim family did not raise any objections due to the correct pronunciation of Puja and sufficient knowledge of the Holy Quran. Rather, they are sending their children regularly every day to receive recitation of the Qur'an in worship. That is why the number of worship students is gradually increasing!

Alisha's mother Reshma Begum, a five-year-old Quran student, said, 'It is very surprising to see her (the girl) reciting the Quran at such a young age. We are very happy to have him as our child's teacher. I and all the parents I know never give importance to his religious identity.'

The local people of the area have also come forward to help the Puja in this great work. As the number of students increased, there was a shortage of space in the small Pooja house. That's why everyone in the area has put the worship in a local temple square for teaching. Puja Kushwaha, a member of the Hindu religion, is teaching the Koran to young students every evening in the temple premises! This is truly a unique example. Moreover, there is no hindrance to the followers of local Hindu religion in this work of worship!

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