The Dhaka Times
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The death toll in Syria has exceeded 300,000

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of people killed in war-torn Syria has exceeded 300,000 in the conflict that started in March 2011, an observer gave this new information on the first day of the international ceasefire.


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an active human rights organization monitoring the situation in Syria, said that 86,000 of the 31,781 people killed were civilians. Among them there are 15 thousand 99 children and 10 thousand 18 women.

This United Kingdom-based monitoring organization also reported that 52,359 people were killed by the rebels. A total of 59,000 Syrian soldiers were killed among the dead. According to the report, 48 thousand 48 people of allied forces from Iran, Iraq and Lebanon have been killed fighting for the Syrian government.

It should be noted that 52 thousand 31 people were killed by the terrorist group IS and Fatah Al Sham Front (Al-Qaeda). However, it is mentioned in the report that 3 thousand 645 people could not be identified among the victims.

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