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Angelina Jolie removed her breast to avoid the risk of cancer!

The Dhaka Times Desk Hollywood heartthrob Angelina Jolie, the world is enamored with her physical beauty, but the Oscar-winning actress has had both breasts surgically removed due to the risk of developing cancer due to a high-risk gene. In the New York Times'My Medical Choice37-year-old Jolie reported this news in an article entitled.


Explaining the reason behind the breast surgery, doctors told her that she has 87% risk of breast cancer and 50% risk of uterine cancer. Then he took this decision to avoid this risk. His treatment process started in February and ended at the end of April.

In an article titled 'My Medical Choice', Jolie said her mother battled cancer for almost a decade and died at the age of 56. He has already taken this precautionary measure so that his children will not have to die of the same disease and die like his mother.

He said, 'The truth is that I am a defective gene'.BRCAOne'Carrying. So that my risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer is increasing. When I found out about this I decided to remove both breasts. This is a very complicated surgery and it takes nine weeks.' The surgery reduced her risk of developing breast cancer from 87 percent to 5 percent.

She thanked Hollywood star Brad Pitt for his support throughout the process. She said that her partner, another Hollywood star, Brad Pitt, has supported her by her side the whole time. So Jolie thanked Pitt for his love and support.

Jolie also said, 'I want to encourage every woman especially those who have a family history of breast and ovarian cancer. You find the information and go to the doctor, who will help you make your decision!

Reference: BDNews24

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