The Dhaka Times
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Dell's stylish laptop in the market

The Dhaka Times Desk Now the new stylish laptop of Dell series Vostro-14 5459 model has come to the market. This laptop is of high quality.


According to media reports, the new stylish laptop of Dell series Vostro-14 5459 model is known as Monet.

Powered by Intel 6th generation Core i7 processor, this laptop has:

1 terabyte hard drive
14 inch display
It also has an Nvidia GeForce 930M model with a 4GB graphics card, Bluetooth and a webcam.

Smart Technologies has brought the laptop in the Bangladesh market in two colors, gold and grey.

It is known that the price of this new laptop with 2 years after sales service will be 75 thousand 500 taka.

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