The Dhaka Times
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It is the custom of the country to kill the injured in the accident!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that when a person is injured in an accident, he is taken to the hospital for treatment. But there is a country where the rule is that if a person is injured in an accident, he must be killed!


The incident is in China. The fact is, if a pedestrian has to walk on the road in China, he should not only take care to save himself from being hit by a car, but also to make sure that he does not come in front of the driver's car in any way. The reason is that China's custom is that if someone is injured by a car, the death of the injured person must be confirmed!

Recently, two separate incidents have come to light in China where CCTV footage shows a driver deliberately hitting and killing an injured pedestrian after being hit by a car! It is known that in one incident, a man named Zhao Xiaochen crushed a 64-year-old woman under the wheel of a car five times in a row just to ensure her death.

But why such a strange inhuman custom? In fact, according to Chinese law, if someone is injured in an accident and the driver is found guilty in court, the injured person must pay compensation to the person responsible for life. If someone dies due to a car accident at that place, one-time compensation has to be paid. And if the car crash is not proved to be intentional in the court, there is no danger of any other punishment. So it is financially beneficial for the driver to wish the person injured in the accident to die!

So what is there is nothing called humanity? Will people knowingly kill other people for the sake of saving some money? What could it be?

The Chinese administration's statement on the matter is that this rule is to ensure that common people are more careful while driving.

But in the end, this rule that awakens the animal instinct in people, what is the Chinese government looking for? This question may come up.

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