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BREAKING NEWS: Launch rescue: Death toll rises to 18

The Dhaka Times Desk The passenger launch that sank in Sandhya river of Barisal's Banaripara upazila was recovered today (Thursday) morning. With the recovery of the bodies of four more children, the total death toll stands at 18.


Meanwhile, the bodies of 18 people have been recovered, but 9 others are still missing. Yesterday (Wednesday) at around 11:30 am, the incident of sinking of the launch took place in Daserhat Majidbari launch ghat area of Syedkathi union of the upazila.

The surviving passengers of the sinking launch said that at 10:30 am, the launch named 'ML Oishi' left for Habibpur in neighboring Uzirpur upazila with 40/50 passengers from Banaripara launch ghat.

Around 11:30 AM, the launch reached the Daserhat Majidbari Ghat due to the erosion of Sandhya River. During boarding and alighting of passengers, at one point a large part of the river bank broke and fell on the launch, the launch lost control and sank to one side in the strong current. Along with the strong current at the spot, the water depth was around 50 to 60 feet.

The bodies of 14 of the missing passengers of the launch were recovered till yesterday evening.
According to information provided by the BAWTA's Maritime Safety and Traffic Division, they are:

Uzirpur: Retired army officer A Razzak (75), son of Monindranath Mallick (35), son of Sirajul Islam Zainal Howladar (55), retired army officer of Keshavkathi area,

Banaripara: Mujibur Rahman's wife Kahinur Begum (40) and Majid Master's wife Saleha Begum (60), Syed Ali's wife Monowara Begum (45), deceased: Chandu Mia's wife Rabeya Begum (45), deceased: Ismail Molla's son Muzammel Molla (62). , Rehana Begum (35), wife of Rahim Howlader.
Milan Gharami (32) son of Abul Gharami of Banaripara, Md Sagar Mir (15), Feroza Begum (55) wife of A. Majid, Shanto (7) daughter of Siddikur Rahman of Uzirpur and Hira Begum wife of Kamal Hossain of Swarupkathi.

The bodies of 4 more children were recovered today (Thursday) morning. They are:

Safwan (3), son of Khuku Moni (Milan Gharami's wife), whose body was recovered, Riyad Howladar (5), son of Rehana Begum, Rafi (7), son of Siddikur Rahman of Uzirpur and Maria Begum (3), infant daughter of Alamgir Hossain of Banaripara.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২২, ২০১৬ 2:45 pm

Staff reporter

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