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After 300 years of death, the mummy opened his eyes!

The Dhaka Times Desk 300 years ago, the body of St. Innocenta, who was killed by his father in Mexico's Guadalajara Cathedral, suddenly opened his eyes!


According to media reports, the 300-year-old girl named Inocencia has received sainthood. People knew her as Saint Innocentia. Crowds gathered at Guadalajara Cathedral to view his body.

Recently, this church and the body of St. Innocent have been in the headlines due to such an amazing incident. It is known that a tourist was going there and filming the scene. While shooting Innocentia's body preserved by wax, he saw the corpse suddenly open its eyes. That amazing scene was also caught on camera. After the video was posted on YouTube, it immediately went viral. As a 'paranormal' case, this event quickly became known around the world!

But the question remains, did Saint Innocentia really open her eyes again after 300 years? Although many have come forward to give a rational explanation of the phenomenon. Most people's question is, why did Inocencia wink while making the video? Before he never met eyes! In addition, the paranormalists say that the devil has "possessed" the body!

Many have said that this video is of low quality, captured on a very cheap camera. It lacks light. The eye-catching scene is believed to be an accident caused by the camera.

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