The Dhaka Times Desk Actress Prabha. Troubled times seem to be leaving him behind. He is repeatedly embarrassed due to various criticisms. What brought him 'sudden trouble' this time?
Sadia Jahan Prabha is going through a tough time after a few years of starting her career in showbiz. Various events are happening in life one after the other.
Recently, this actress is in trouble with rumors of love with Shyamal Maula. But this time of trouble is actually a little different. It's not in reality, it's on screen.
Recently Prabha acted in a play named 'Hahat Dussamy'. The drama is jointly directed by Kazi Saif Ahmed and Anik Biswas.
In this regard, Prabha said, 'Though it is a heart-wrenching drama, I hope the audience will like this drama very much.'