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The story of a dangerous road in the water! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Driving on a dry road. Suddenly saw the whole road filled with water! What to do then? There is such a dangerous road story today!


Le Passage de Goi is a dangerous road in the water located on the island of Noirmoutier in France! You will also be surprised to see it.

It is really a natural flooded road. Although it looks very nice, the road takes on a horrible appearance during most of the day! It is one of the most dangerous roads in the world.

It is known that this road is about 4.125 km long. Naturally this road gets flooded twice a day during high tide! When the tide comes in, this road goes under about 13 feet of water!


That is why this road is usable only during low tide. The road is open for walking and driving only for a few hours a day. Apart from tourists, this place is very attractive to oyster lovers.


This road is inherently dangerous as it is flooded two times a day. Because it is very difficult to know in advance what time of day the tide will come. That is why some safety panels are installed here.


There are several tall towers. It may be possible to avoid danger by temporarily standing on those towers if there is danger of danger in the tide.


But surprisingly, despite being dangerous, this road is one of the tourist attractions. A race is therefore held every year at 'Le Passage de Goi'. Tourists seem to have welcomed the danger with joy!

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