The Dhaka Times
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A short film 'Dana Majhi' has been made on that popular incident in Odisha.

The Dhaka Times Desk The short film 'Dana Majhi' was made about the famous incident of Odisha walking 16 kilometers with his wife's body on his shoulders.


The whole world was shocked by that incident. The pain of the man from the tribal community of India's Kalahandi upsets everyone. Now this event is coming to the celluloid screen.

A short film 'Dana Majhi' was made about that incident in Odisha. This short film is scripted and directed by Babul Hriday. Recently, its filming has been done at the picturesque location of Porabari in Gazipur.

About the production of the film 'Dana Majhi', director Babul Hriday said, 'Last August 25, this incident in Orissa was published in the world media. After reading this news, my heart is also scarred. I started the work due to mental pain. If this film of true incident reaches the people and the audience sees it, it will be worthwhile. Hope the film will touch the hearts of the audience.'

It is known that Tarek Islam played the title role in 'Dana Majhi'. Tarek Islam said, 'Even after death, the immense love, respect and tension of the husband towards his wife has emerged through the character of poor Dana Majhi. By inserting myself into that aesthetic character, I truly became a different person. In fact, this feeling of love is unreal. I tried to present myself appropriately in front of the audience. But the audience will judge.'

Lucky Akhter, Fahmida Flora, Sheikh Limon, Sumon Chowdhury, Latifur Rahman, Nazmul, Jahangir, Nabi, Rubel also acted in the film. Ratna, Hafiz Uddin Naveen and others.

This short film 'Dana Majhi' will be aired on domestic and foreign TV channels and will go to international film festivals.

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