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The government of 25 countries in the world is the best!

The Dhaka Times Desk The names of 25 countries which have good government in all aspects and facilities of the people have been announced. Let's know the names of the good governments of the world.


Choosing the best government is a very difficult task. An organization called Legatum Institute in Britain has done that difficult task. This organization has selected the best 25 countries in the world considering all aspects. In their opinion, the government of these 25 countries is the best in the world!

These good countries are:

(1) Switzerland
(2) New Zealand
(3) Denmark
(4) Sweden
(5) Finland
(6) Luxembourg
(7) Canada
(8) Norway
(9) Britain
(10) Australia
(11) United States
(12) The Netherlands
(13) Singapore
(14) Ireland
(15) Austria
(16) Germany
(17) Belgium
(18) Iceland
(19) Japan
(20) France
(21) Malta
(22) Hong Kong
(23) Estonia
(24) Chile
(25) Cyprus

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