The Dhaka Times
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Only three-year-old child is a millionaire!

The Dhaka Times Desk Only three years old. But this child is now the owner of crores of rupees! But thinking that the father-grandfather got the property. But actually it is not. A millionaire in New Zealand's 'bonus bond'!


Many people do not become millionaires even after working all their lives. But the little 3-year-old child has become a millionaire by his own luck.

He got 10 million New Zealand dollars by his own fortune, excluding the property of his father and grandfather. Now he is an overnight millionaire. Its value in Indian currency is around 4 crore 84 lakh rupees.

After the child was born, his uncle invested only 250 New Zealand dollars (equivalent to Rs. 12,000 in Indian currency) in the popular New Zealand fund 'Bonus Bond'.

In an interview given to the New Zealand Herald, the child's mother said, "After hearing this news on the phone, his father fell from the sky. He hugged me and started screaming. We were both very excited to get this news.”

Talking about her son, the mother almost tears in her eyes. He said, “My son is really lucky. And the five are completely different from the boys. He was born on Christmas. What could be a greater achievement in life!”

Note that these bonus bonds are popular in New Zealand. This trust was created by the New Zealand government in 1970. Such initiatives were taken to encourage New Zealanders to save. Today, these bonus bonds have become the largest trust in the country. About one third of the people in the country are linked to this bonus bond.

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