The Dhaka Times
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Khadija's condition is critical: the whole country including Sylhet is burning

The Dhaka Times Desk Khadija, a student of Sylhet Government Women's College, who was attacked by the Chhatra League leader, is in critical condition. After the surgery yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon, he was kept under intensive observation for 72 hours at Square Hospital in the capital.


Doctors say that Khadija's physical condition is very critical. Only after 72 hours can anything be said.

Shahjalal University student and Chhatra League leader Badrul Alam attacked Khadija Begum Nargis, a student of Sylhet Government Women's College, last day (Monday) afternoon. He was fatally stabbed. After the attack, the injured student was first shifted to Sylhet Medical College Hospital and later to Square Hospital in the capital. He underwent surgery yesterday. In the afternoon, Rejaus Sattar, senior consultant in neurosurgery at Square Hospital, told reporters that Khadija has been kept under 72-hour observation after the complex operation. Then you will get an idea about his condition.

On Monday afternoon, Badrul cut and injured Khadija with a chapati on her way out of the examination hall of Sylhet MC College. Khadija was first admitted to Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital. After undergoing a round of surgery there, he was taken to Square Hospital in the capital at night. Khadija is currently undergoing treatment under Rejaus Sattar, Senior Consultant, Neuro Surgery, Square Hospital.

It is known that after angering Khadija, the local crowd including her classmates chased Badrul and handed her over to the police. His house is in Chatak upazila of Sunamganj. Badrul Shahjalal is the co-editor of Chhatra League in the university.

Sylhet Metropolitan Police Shahparan Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Shahjalal Munshi said that the arrested Badrul admitted to the attack. He told the police that he attacked Khadija out of anger due to strained relationship.

Meanwhile, protest marches and human ties are continuing in various parts of the country including Silek to demand strict punishment for Badrul. People from all walks of life have demanded exemplary punishment for such incidents and punishment of the culprits.

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