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Shakib, Tamim, Mushfiq, Riyad are taller than me: Mashrafe

The Dhaka Times Desk Mashrafe bin Murtaza. Today was his birthday. He never magnifies himself. He thinks that Shakib, Tamim, Mushfiq, Riyad are much taller than him.

তিনি ক্রিকেটের সীমানা ছাড়িয়েছেন অনেক আগেই। ক্রিকেটের এই বরপুত্র কোটি কোটি মানুষের অনুপ্রেরণার নিরন্তর উৎসে পরিণত হয়েছেন। জীবনের পথচলায় আজ ৫ অক্টোবর তাঁর ৩৩ পূর্ণ হলো। দুই বছর পূর্বে একই দিনে পৃথিবীর আলোয় এসেছে তার দ্বিতীয় সন্তান। অর্থাৎ আজ তার সন্তানেরও জন্মদিন। তাঁর এই জন্মদিন উপলক্ষে তিনি অনেক কথা বলেছেন বিডিনিউজ টোয়েন্টিফোর ডটকমwho From the interview of this popular personality, some important statements are highlighted for the readers.

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The first question to him was that 33 years have passed, how many have not spoken?

Mashrafe bin Murtaza said in reply, I have heard this poem of Sunil many times in my life, but I have not read it. Maybe because everyone has not read!

The second question was age increasing or decreasing?

Mashrafe's answer: To be serious; Both are happening. Thinking about death is getting old. We are all moving closer to death every day. And speaking of maturity, age is definitely increasing.

But Mashrafe also said in this answer, actually my age is different in different places. One way on the playground, one way with family, another way with friends, I try to adjust everywhere. I am exactly as I should be at home. I don't differentiate between seniors and juniors on the field, I am the same with everyone. Again, the responsibility of the captain has to be fulfilled. And to my friends I am unattached. There are 3-4 batches small or big, we are all one.

You never celebrate birthdays with much fanfare, never cut cakes. Why?

Mashrafe said, I grew up in different houses. My mother celebrated my first birthday with great fanfare. Nana just saw. After the ceremony was over, Nana called the mother and said, 'Suppose if your son lives for 70 years, is his age decreasing or increasing?' Mother bowed her head and replied, 'Reducing.' Nana then said, 'Then you can feed the poor and the needy without celebrating like this, you can pray nafal.'

Amma may have been clinging to it ever since. I have not seen anyone in my family celebrating their birthdays since I was born. Wish or something like that. But it is not observed. I also do not cut or celebrate birthday cakes for children. Maybe go for a walk with them or spend time together.

Mashrafe also said that it does not mean that those who observe, do not correct. It is to each his own. I respect my mother's opinion so I don't follow it in our family. This is

What is the meaning of life to you? In response to such a question, Mashrafe said, simply put, for me life means living right, keeping values right. It doesn't take long to criticize or become a subject in our country. I have thought a lot about them. I don't think anymore. no profit

He also said, life means to me to keep it simple. Life is temporary. Don't mess with anyone. Maintaining good relations with all, not harming anyone. If one wants to walk extraordinarily, that is entirely up to him. Maybe he found simplicity in that. But I am simple as I am.

How do you see popularity? To such a question, Mashrafe said, I don't see it in any way. Because I don't think about these things. I am not that educated, but one thing I always try to follow. As a child, I once did wrong with a teacher. Sir then said, 'I know you well, don't be bad to me. It takes time to be good, but not time to be bad.” It's stuck in my head forever. To whom I am good, I do not want to be bad at least.

But what do you think, yourself, surpassing everyone? In response to such a question, Mashrafe eloquently said, "I never feel that way." Believe me, Shakib's height is much higher than me. Tamim, Mushfiq, Riyad are taller. Not that, needless to say, I really feel that way. I always put them somewhere else.

But these people who call you superhuman, great man... through social media many times call you the freedom fighter of this era, how do you take this?

Mashrafe said, saying these things is actually stupid and extremely exaggerated. I am terribly ashamed, more embarrassed than that. Most embarrassing to teammates. Like me, they are sacrificing themselves for the country.

Especially, it feels very bad to bring up the freedom fighter issue with the cricketers. I have said many times before that for me the liberation war is before everything. The place of freedom fighters is above all. Comparing the liberation war with a little game of cricket is nothing but trivial.

Yes, it's exactly who loves me, I value him. But he needs to be moderate in expression of love or use of language.

Want to live a long time?

To such a question, this popular person of Bangladesh cricket, Mashrafe bin Mortuza, currently the captain of the Bangladesh team, said, "If you want, of course you do." Everyone wants to live. I do too. My lifestyle may seem unbelievable to many. Because I have been risk-taking all my life. But now when I look at my children, I think that if it continues, I will live for many years!

Mashrafe Bin Mortaza's fame as a successful captain has spread beyond Bangladesh to the world today. Cricket fans around the world also appreciate him. We wish him a lot of wishes and congratulations on his birthday today.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৫, ২০১৬ 10:30 pm

Staff reporter

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