Categories: entertainment

The shooting of the Bollywood film 'Bala' starring Nirav is in the final stage

The Dhaka Times Desk The production of Bollywood film 'Bala' starring popular actor Nirav in Dhaka is nearing completion.


Recently, the song of the film was shot at a beautiful location called Kolar in Bangalore. There he danced along with Hindi songs.

Nirav wrote on Facebook, shooting of a song titled 'Ishqsarfira' is going on here. Sensation Kavita Radheshyam is with him. More than 80 percent of the film has already been completed.

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Nirav also said, 'Kola is an incredibly beautiful place. And Ajay Devgn's 'Drishyam' was shot at the place where we are shooting. A Tamil film is being shot next to us. Enjoying everything very much.'

Nirav will go to Mumbai after finishing the shooting on the 10th or 12th. He said that he will return home after completing some personal work.

Bollywood director Faisal Saif is directing the film 'Bala'. Bollywood's Kavita Radheshyam, Pakistan's Mira Khan and others are acting besides Nirav.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৫, ২০১৬ 11:56 pm

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