Categories: international news

The story of a strange person carrying his own garbage!

The Dhaka Times Desk Garbage belongs in the dustbin. But what if you carry that garbage with you? But a person is carrying his own garbage all the time!

Think about it once, how would you feel if you carry the garbage that you have created in the house or office in the last one month? Although the matter is actually embarrassing, such an incident was made by a person in New York. Rob Greenfield is a strange person who carries his daily garbage under a transparent plastic suit!

His plan is that he will carry the garbage that accumulates in a month on his body. And a cameraman is following him. He is carrying that garbage in New York City!

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According to one report, an average American produces 4.5 pounds of trash per day, which equates to 135 pounds of trash in a month or 30 days!

"Most people don't realize how much trash they're creating every day," says Greenfield. After throwing all that garbage in the dustbin, it goes out of sight and even out of mind. Although almost everyone knows that Americans produce an average of 4.5 pounds of trash every day. There is no news about the matter, nor is awareness campaign being done.'

One of the reasons Greenfield took this extraordinary initiative was to try to make Americans aware. His initiative is being videoed. He can also be found on the blog. A non-profit organization called 'Living on One' and Impact Studio are helping him in this awareness campaign.

Filmmaker Gary Benchegib will also assist him in the campaign throughout the month. The main objective of Greenfield is to make people aware of environmental protection and encourage people to reduce waste.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১২, ২০১৬ 10:44 pm

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