The Dhaka Times
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China is going to build the world's largest space plane!

The Dhaka Times Desk China plans to build the world's largest space plane or space plane by 2020.


China originally planned this as part of the start of commercial spaceflight. China highlighted this issue at the International Astronomical Congress held in Mexico last month. Meanwhile, Beijing's China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology has designed this space plane.

Britain's science weekly New Scientist reported that this aircraft will travel up to 80 miles above the surface with at least 20 passengers per day. Passengers will experience weightlessness for about 4 minutes during the journey. The aircraft can take off and take off vertically.

A smaller version of this aircraft is also reported. It will travel up to 62 miles in the sky with a maximum of 5 passengers. This will make passengers feel weightless for two minutes. All surface tests of the Chinese spacecraft have been successfully completed. It is reported that the test flight of the space plane will be completed within the next two years.

But space travel on this plane won't be cheap. This trip will cost two to two and a half million dollars per passenger. Apart from China, many other companies in the world are planning commercial space travel. That is why China is expected to face intense competition in this field.

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