Categories: international news

Find out what a friend's love is today!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many strangers are introduced through Facebook. People who live on Facebook are called friends in Facebook language. But are they true friends? Today there is a story of a true friend!

A question may come in everyone's mind, a person on Facebook can make 5000 friends on his profile. So what are all friends? Is it possible for one to have so many friends?

Or the question may come to the mind of many Facebook friends come forward when in danger? Of course it does. The evidence has now been found. A British woman donated a kidney to a completely unknown Facebook friend!

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Louise Drewry, the mother of these two children, is the first British citizen in the history of the world to donate her kidney to a complete stranger on Facebook! The father of a girl named Stacey Hewitt wrote a helpless appeal on Facebook, who will come forward to save his daughter by donating a kidney?

দুই সন্তানের মা লুইস ড্রিউয়েরি ফেসবুকে ওই পোস্টটি পড়ার পর এক মুহূর্তও ভাবেননি। আর কি, দু’পক্ষই যখন রাজি, তখন আর সময় নষ্ট করে টেনশনে থাকার কেনো মানে হয় না। নিউক্যাসল কিডনি প্রতিস্থাপন কেন্দ্রে সফল একটি অস্ত্রোপচারের মাধ্যমে কিডনি দান করলেন লুইস ড্রিউয়েরি। অপারেশনের পর দুজনই সুস্থ রয়েছেন।

After donating a kidney, Louise Drewery joked that she had formed a lifelong relationship with Tracey. The whole of Britain, the whole world congratulated Lewis Drewry. How many people in this world really think like him? If everyone would have come forward in this way for human welfare, then maybe the world would not have reached the threshold of human suffering.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১০, ২০১৬ 9:08 pm

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