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3 players of Rajasthan Royals are in police custody on charges of match fixing

The Dhaka Times Desk 11 gamblers including 3 Rajasthan Royals players Sreesanth, Ajit Chandila and Ankit Chavan have been accused by the IPL administration of spot-fixing. Sreesanth and two others have been arrested by the Delhi Police. Seven gamblers were also arrested. On Thursday, the Delhi Police said that they have information that Mumbai's underworld is connected with the incident. Meanwhile, in the preliminary interrogation of the police, the arrested said that some other players in the IPL are involved in cheating. Read more…

IPL Match Fixing

Sreesanth told the police about spot-fixing in every match i.e. gamblers pay players Rs 60 lakh per over to play as per their instructions. There is evidence that Sreesanth has given more runs in his overs at the behest of gamblers. Meanwhile, another arrested bowler of Rajasthan Royals, Abhijit Chandila, said that their third bowler Ankit Chauhan took 60 lakh rupees from gamblers for spot-fixing per over.

A special team of the Delhi Police arrested Sreesanth from his friend's house, and the other two players from their team hotel. The three men were arrested in a night raid after the Mumbai Indians-Rajasthan Royals match. Police sources said the accused were already under police surveillance, but they did not know about it.

Meanwhile, IPL chairman Rajiv Shukla said that he will talk about the matter when he gets the complete information.

Last year BCCI banned several players from IPL for spot fixing. However, there was no national team player among them.
"We are concerned about the incident," Rajasthan Royals said about spot-fixing.

Rajasthan Royals chief executive officer Raghu Yar said, "Three players from our team were arrested by the police last night and we have helped the police in their investigation." He further said, “We are surprised to see the arrest of 3 players of our team by the police and their statements, we will officially inform BCCI about such fixing in IPL. So that IPL is safe from such fixing in future, and we will extend full cooperation to the law enforcement agencies in the interest of their investigation. "

Meanwhile, in a statement BCCI said in an initial response, those involved in spot fixing will be banned subject to evidence. Delhi Police said in a press conference that an estimated Rs 40,000 crore worth of spot-fixing has so far taken place in the Mumbai underworld around the IPL.

Reference: India Today

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