The Dhaka Times
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What could the future of TV look like?

The Dhaka Times Desk Various types of TVs are available in the market. Among the various types of TVs including LED, LCD, HD, Ultra HD, any one can surely adorn the walls of your home.


One thing to be aware of is that no matter how expensive the TV is, it turns into a black frame when turned off. That is, that monotony. Throw those things away. Panasonic has unveiled a TV that, even when turned off, becomes a bit of glass, transparent glass.

Recently, Panasonic presented this new TV to the world at an exhibition called 'Create Electronics Apo' in Japan.


Tech news outlet Engadget says the transparent TV can also be used as a showcase siding door. Everything behind the glass can be seen only when the TV is switched off.

Experts call this TV 'Future TV'. However, Panasonic has not yet started commercial production of this TV. Soon we will know when we will get this TV.

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