The Dhaka Times
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In the developed world, 'Smartbus' was launched in Bangladesh!

The Dhaka Times Desk Smart buses with the highest technological advantages have been launched in Bangladesh on the model of developed countries of the world. This new and different method has been implemented to take the country further in IT.


It is hoped that this bus will reach the country's young and talented women with the slogan 'ICT for Sustainable Women's Development' to provide basic information technology training.

It is known that 4 smartbuses were already prepared with all kinds of information technology training arrangements including laptops, large LED screen TV, sound system, WiFi internet.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated this 'Smartbus' on Wednesday afternoon. At present, at the International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB) in the capital, South Asia's major technology festival Digital World will reach the visitors with the slogan 'ICT for Sustainable Women's Development' after the exhibition to provide basic training in information technology to the young and talented women of the country.

It is known that there is a laptop for each trainee in these special buses with sound proof and air condition system. Besides, there are specific training materials, training software and provision of round-the-clock generators.

The government's information technology department, mobile phone operator Robi and world-renowned technology manufacturer Huawei Technologies Bangladesh Limited jointly launched this smart bus.

According to the information, there are 6 buses under this project. Through these, basic training in information technology will be provided to 2 lakh 40 thousand young and talented women of 64 districts of the country.

Each bus can train 25 people simultaneously. Buses will run on specific routes as per the plan. These 'Smartbuses' will operate 40 weeks a year.

It is learned that training will be provided for one or two days at each location based on the number and demand of local trainees. After the training, a road show will be conducted with the buses to increase information technology awareness among the young students of the area.

It is reported that among these 6 buses, Information Technology Department, Robi and Huawei will have two buses each. The buses will be maintained by Robi and Huawei under the supervision of IT department.

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