Categories: sport

Bangladesh will enter the field to play the test with the spirit of success

The Dhaka Times Desk However, if you look at the statistics, it will be seen that England was in the winning row. They have won all the 8 Tests played against Bangladesh so far. But the present situation is quite different.

The first Test match between Bangladesh and England is starting after a while (10.00 am) at Chittagong Zahoor Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium. However, regardless of past history, Bangladesh will enter the Test field with the spirit of success. Bangladesh team captain Mushfiqur Rahim has shown such attitude.

There is no doubt that the guest team is ahead of Bangladesh not only in terms of statistics but also in terms of strength and ability. Still, Bangladesh captain Mushfiqur Rahim is hopeful of success against the visiting team at home.

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However, this task is not easy at all. It will be very difficult to do well for the team currently ranked fourth in the Test rankings. However, Bangladesh Test team captain Mushfiq wants to take it as a challenge.

Mushfiqur Rahim, who is hopeful to get success by forgetting about statistics, said, 'England is one of the best test teams in this period, we have to accept it. Therefore, success against them is not impossible. If everyone can put in the best of their ability, then it is possible for us to do something good.'

সিজির হারার কারণে বাংলাদেশ দলের মনোবলে একটু বাধা থাকলেও এই ক’দিনে তারা আবার চাঙ্গা হয়েছে টেস্ট খেলার প্রত্যয় নিয়ে। আজকের খেলার পর বোঝা যাবে কতোদূর কি হয়। বাংলাদেশ দলের জন্য আমাদের শুভ কামনা রইলো।

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ২০, ২০১৬ 8:26 am

Staff reporter

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