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The story of Rangamati's money tree 'Kalpataru'!

The Dhaka Times Desk We also need such a tree that anyone can think of when they hear the money tree. Find out today what kind of money tree 'Kalpataru' of Rangamati really is.

It may seem really strange. The reason is that its branches are covered with money. It really looks like a tree full of money! Small pages of glossy two-rupee notes, large leaves of one-hundred-rupee notes, and small and large notes of ten-twenty-fifty rupees! Hilly region Rangamati on the way to find the money tree! This money tree is growing day by day, increasing the number of money! Not only that, there is only money and money hanging under the tree. Branches of money are hanging on the trees.

In fact, even if the buds do not grow leaves, the branches are wrapped in needle-thread on the side of the road. Why is this being done?

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In the month of October, this correspondent saw exactly such a scene under a banyan tree on the way from Khagrachari to Rangamati in the eighteen mile area. There is no end to the wonder of such a scene.

Later it is known that the hill people named this money tree 'Kalpataru'! 'Kalp' means money, and 'taru' means tree or foliage. That's probably how the name came about. This is exactly how a fellow media outlet brought it up.

This money tree is made from a dry tree, wrapped in colorful paper to make it more attractive. Again, it is fitted with four handles on both sides!

Locals told the real story of this money tree. They said that they are working to raise money for their upcoming religious ceremony. They raise their hands when they see vehicles. The passengers of the vehicle are also helping each other.

Amar Vikas and Sohel Chakma, sixth standard students of Kutukchari Bara Maha Puram High School, told the media that everyone is paying tribute voluntarily, not forcibly. They are also giving receipts to bring transparency in the work of giving tribute. For almost a month, financial assistance is being prayed for in different places.

But for whatever purpose the money is raised, these money trees are providing extra food to the tourists coming here on the mountain road. Seeing such a scene, they stop once and see what the poison actually is. Many people are also donating. Many people are looking at that money tree with surprised eyes. Maybe you're wondering if there really was such a money tree? Then maybe the people of the world did not have to do so much for money!

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৩০, ২০১৬ 8:41 am

Staff reporter

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