The Dhaka Times
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Huangho Peninsula is a wonderful landscape

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Thursday, 27 October 2016 Christ, 12 Kartik 1423 Bangabd, 25 Muharram 1438 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.


The picture you are looking at is a wonderful landscape of the Huanghu Peninsula in China.

Huangho Delta is located at the mouth of the Huangho River, which is known as the mother river of the Chinese nation. The land there is vast, rich in resources and the natural environment is unique. It is a place adjacent to rivers and seas. Birds live there and search for food. Wetlands and trees have grown naturally.

Not far away in the land lies a young city—Tong Ying. Tongying is China's second largest oil industrial base. As well as having a national nature conservation area and new natural wetlands, the city is a perfect place to visit.

Rivers, meadows and colorful forests are unique creations of nature. It looks like an art scene. Today's nature is very nice

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