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Titanic memorabilia is now up for auction!

The sinking of the Titanic

The Dhaka Times Desk More than 200 rare memorabilia, including keys and letters from the much-talked-about British ship Titanic that sank in the Atlantic 100 years ago, are being auctioned.

Der Untergang der Titanic

According to media reports, a company called Henry Aldridge and Sons in Wiltshire, United Kingdom organized this auction.

The key to the life jacket locker is estimated to cost around £50,000. Also included in the auction list is a letter from a ship's officer who was disappointed about his promotion.

Note that on April 14, 1912, Titanic left Southampton for New York. After 4 hours of sailing, the Titanic hit a huge iceberg and sank in the Atlantic. More than one and a half thousand passengers lost their lives. The sinking of the Titanic is still a topic of discussion around the world.

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