The Dhaka Times
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A man divorced his wife because of the photo on Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk A bride posted her wedding photo on social media Facebook. And where does it go? Husband divorced after two hours of marriage. An incident that happened recently in Saudi Arabia.


The bride's brother said that his sister had an understanding with the groom. In the marriage contract, the sister agreed not to post any wedding photos on Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat. However, her sister did not honor the agreement and sent the wedding photos to her girlfriends. So such a sad decision came from the bridegroom.

On this issue, there was a heated argument between the bride and groom. According to the bride, such an agreement is absolutely absurd. However, the groom was adamant in his position. That is why the husband finally divorced his wife after only two hours of marriage. Relatives of both parties are surprised by this incident. But they had nothing to do, what happened!

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